I'm thinking of calling it something like, "Introverted or Depressed: The Club for People Who Don't Want to Leave Their Beds."
The by-laws are currently being written up, but they'll have headings like the following:
- How to avoid pep talks by well-meaning friends
- It's OK to cry for no reason
- There's always room for chocolate and ice cream, and chocolate ice cream
- Why are you wearing a bra?
- The hygiene of depression: good for those with no will to live, and also to keep others at bay (for the introverts among us)
- When it's appropriate to call in "sick" for work
- The bags under your eyes: you're tired for a reason
- Becoming a vampire, or, How to avoid the sun
- What to do when you HAVE to leave the house
- Becoming a hermit, or, How to avoid the human population
- What do do when you HAVE to interact with people
- The twelves types of fakes smiles, also included, the five fake laughs you must master
It'll be an exclusive club. Not just anyone can join. I am thinking about asking Ally from Hyperbole and a Half to join as an honorary member, just because, you know, she gets it. (Read this: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2011/10/adventures-in-depression.html; and then if you really want to take this further - to the advanced course of my club that has yet to be established - you can go here and read: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2013/05/depression-part-two.html and understand why this girl is really quite perfect for my club.)
When admission applications go out, I'll let everyone know. Until then, let me know if you find a reason or two why you don't need to join my club.