Monday, March 24, 2008


One of my favorite things to do is to try new recipes. So here is my newest experiment:
*2 xícaras de manteiga* 2 c. butter
*4 xícaras de farinha de trigo* 4 c. Flour
*2 colheres de bicarbonato de sódio* 2 tsp baking soda
*2 xícaras de açúcar* 2 c. sugar

*5 xícaras de aveia liquidificada (meça a aveia e depois liquidifique
até convertê-la em pó)* 5 c. liquefied oatmeal (measure* the oatmeal and then liquefy until it’s powder
*24 onças (800 gramas) de raspas de chocolate* 24 oz of chocolate shavings (you could use chocolate chips since this is what you would use in Brazil since they don’t have chips)
*2 xícaras de açúcar mascavo* 2 c. brown sugar
*1 colher de sal* 1 tsp salt
*1 barra de chocolate Hershey de 8 onças (264 gramas) (ralada)* 1 8 oz. Hersey bar grated
*4 ovos* 4 eggs
*2 colheres de fermento em pó* 2 tsp baking powder
*2 colheres de baunilha* 2 tsp vanilla
*3 xícaras de nozes trituradas (se assim o desejar)* 3 c. chopped nuts
*Bata a manteiga com os dois açúcares até formar um creme.* Cream butter with two cups of sugar
*Adicione os ovos e a baunilha.* Add the eggs and vanilla
*Misture com a farinha, a aveia, o sal, o pó de fermento e o bicarbonato.* Mix, in separate bowl, flour oatmeal, salt, b. powder and soda. And then add to butter mixture.
*Agregue as raspas de chocolate, a barra ralada de chocolate e as nozes.* Add chocolates and nuts into mixture
*Faça pequenas bolinhas (do tamanho de uma moeda de 5O centavos Form small balls about the circumference of a quarter and they will melt into the size of cookies

ligeir! amente comprimida. Elas se expandirão no forno tomando a forma
de bolachas) e coloque numa forma separadas 5 cm umas das outras.* Keep them separated by 5 cm on the pan (You can figure out the inches right?)
*Mantenha no forno a 375 graus por 10 minutos.* (Dever ser ºF: ~ 175ºC) Keep the Oven at 375 degrees and Bake for 10 min
Esta receita rende 112 bolachas. Makes 112 cookies
Que as desfrute ! !!

Thank you Kent, for the recipe.
Thank you Ryan & Camille, for translating!

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