Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome to the Neighborhood

After much procrastinating, I managed to move out of my Single Tree apartment and into my new apartment in the Neighborhood.

Things I like about the Neighborhood:
  • I think
  • There's a front and back door.
  • Our pool - though it is showing signs of being eerily similar to the "Not tub" at the Omni. Hopefully they will take down the "pool closed" sign before it snows next month.
  • The fireplace
  • My bedroom is HUGE, and will look like it once all my stuff is actually put away and not in boxes all over the place.
  • The full-sized bed. (I'm moving up in the world!)
  • There are benches and picnic tables outside. Apparently this is optimal to keep me out of the parks reading late at night. I think it a fine idea.
  • The location is pretty central, but still off University, so it's 1) quiet, 2) sort of secluded and 3) close to everything.
  • I have a BIG window in my room.
  • Parking is RIGHT NEXT to my apartment.
  • My roommates all seem really, really cool. I'm excited to get to know them, and force them to be my new girlfriends.
  • It already feels pretty homey, and I've only been there for two nights.
  • The water pressure in the shower feels so good!
Things I do not like about the Neighborhood:
  • The upstairs (where my room is located) is TOO HOT! The AC hasn't touched it, my piddly fan doesn't help spread the cold air coming from the one vent in my room. I've had to go to some pretty extreme measures in order to bear it: freezing cold showers right before bed, skimpy (read: no) pajamas, etc. I've turned up the A/C (down the temperature) and it only just occurred to me that I'm probably freezing my roommates who live in the basement.
  • The space is a definite luxury in our apartment, with two girls on the top floor and two on the bottom and a whole floor separating us, we are not living on top of one another. This is a good thing, and should probably be on the list above, but: Since I'm trying to force my new roommates to be my friends, it is difficult when I never actually see any of them. I hope to remedy this next week by not being busy every night of the week.
  • The kitchen is tiny. The cupboard space is meager and not well-organized as is. The drawers... let's just say that I'm probably going to manage to dump all the contents on the floor before I learn that they are not secure on a track. 
  • The cable jack in the front room is on the side of the wall that I would prefer to have covered with the couch. I would like the fireplace to be open so we can use it... we'll see how this plays out later in the year.
I'll post pictures once I get my room put together. There have been goings away dinner parties, wedding celebrations and things like such as going all week, and I haven't had time to empty my car yet! Hopefully this weekend, if I don't drop dead from exhaustion!

1 comment:

  1. I'm moving soon too! Most likely next week. I sign the lease Friday. :)


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