Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Miracles

Christmas Holiday Trivia

Electric lights for trees were first used in 1895.

The first Christmas cards were vintage and invented in 1843, the Victorian Era.

"Jingle Bells" was first written for Thanksgiving and then became one of the most popular Christmas songs.

If you received all of the gifts in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas", you would receive 364 presents.

Clearing up a common misconception, in Greek, X means Christ. That is where the word "X-Mas" comes from. Not because someone took the "Christ" out of Christmas.

Traditionally, Christmas trees are taken down after Epiphany.

In Mexico, wearing red underwear on New Year's Eve is said to bring new love in the upcoming year.

Christmas is widely known for its source of miracles, and it is no wonder - afterall, the very reason we have Christmas is to celebrate the greatest miracle of all - that is, the birth of our Savior.

This Christmas was full of small miracles for me. It was financially impossible for our whole family, and yet, it worked.

The fact that I was able to make it home was Christmas miracle #1. About the beginning of November, I realized that I would not be coming home. I didn't have money, my parents didn't have money... and then I lost my job, so there was really no way to come. I made alternate plans. I built up these plans and tried to make it the happiest alternative to being home. I thought I was OK with it. Instead, after Thanksgiving, when the Christmas music started playing and finals were about to begin, it started to sink in. I couldn't listen to "I'll be Home for Christmas" without crying. And then, out of the blue (because they are amazingly sneaky) my roommates presented me with a ticket, sending be back to Ohio. How I love them! Ashley, Becca, and Kira are absolutely top-notch. I cannot say enough good about them, because they are the real deal. They are truly the best friends and roommates, cheerleaders, mentors, examples... They are just good people and as close to me as my sisters. I love them dearly.

Christmas miracle #2 involves the simple fact that I made it to the airport. Not only that, but I was able to go later than I planned on. Thank you, Carla. The fact that we didn't die on the way there was a total bonus.

Christmas miracle #3 caught me completely off guard. Most of you know that my relationship with my brother is a bit...strained. We don't always get along, and mostly I think it is because we are so much alike. Stubborn. Unbending. Outspoken. You know - all the good qualities in a person. However, when I came home, he SPOKE to me, and not only that, but he's continued to do so. I went with him to his knee operation, and we laughed and joked.

Today, and a part of Christmas miracle #4, Mark woke us up in the best of moods, hobbling around like Tiny Tim (his and my simultaneous joke) spreading Christmas joy. And this was despite the fact that we had not put out a tree and there were a handful of presents sitting in the middle of the front room. Most the gifts were things that were needed: socks, a robe and slippers, a shirt. There was nothing big and nothing fancy. Certainly nothing expensive. And yet, I have to admit. I am so impressed with my family... my siblings. We've had Christmases where we have been completely materialistic. There were things that were put on lists that were not received and tempers would flair. Or, the wrong color was bought or the incorrect character. This Christmas none of us were expecting anything. I think we were all just grateful that at least we would be together, and so the few things that we did get were graciously accepted and appreciated. I think it should be like this from now on. (Except, I would like to see a tree next year...) Who cares that others got iPod touches or whatever the latest crazes are. I'm just so grateful that I'm home with my family, who I love and treasure.

Christmas miracle #5 is the fact that it wasn't a white Christmas. This may be a bad thing for some, but I'll tell you what, the fact that it rained was so GLORIOUS. Rain means it is too warm for snow, and dang it, I was so happy about that.

I am so grateful for this time of year. I am thankful that it is a time set aside to be with family and loved ones. We are blessed to have this time where we are off of work (if we are lucky) and school, and able to have that time to relish in each other's company and cultivate relationships that would otherwise be neglected. I love my family. I love being home.

More importantly (and there are few things that are more important) is that I love my Savior. I'm so grateful that He was willing to come and live as a mortal man and struggle through life. I have no doubt that he lived a life of poverty and need. He survived to fulfill His mission, and was able to develop and keep the important relationships in His life. He showed us what was important, and it sure didn't include an iPod touch or gadget that cost a ton of money. He set the example, and then paved the way for us to follow. We are extraordinarily blessed with this knowledge. We have the scriptures to teach us of His gospel and the words of His prophets. We have our own modern day prophets to help direct us through this life.

Merry Christmas, I hope it is everything that it should be.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad I didn't kill you on the way to the airport as well!

    Oh and I better hurry and go buy some red underwear ;) (see christmas facts above)


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