Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Family Home Evening


Currently, my calling in church is that of Family Home Evening (FHE) "mom." It's always been one of those callings that I dreaded, and honestly never wanted to receive. However, if that were really the case, you would think I would have been more willing to attend FHE in the past. I am notorious for receiving callings that requires me to do something I don't usually go. (As seen with previous callings such as Enrichment leader, seconds counselor in the Relief Society - who happens to be OVER enrichment, etc.) So when I received the calling at the beginning of the summer, I was a little chagrined to do it. Only, I was given a pretty good group and a good co-chair (also known as the "dad") and it was very unlike the experience Amy and I had when she was the FHE mom when we lived at Branbury.

I was having fun.

When groups changed at the beginning of fall semester, I was very sad to see my group split - but for like, two seconds. Our FHE group is simply the very best a "mom" could ask for. We have excellent attendance rates (though I am still missing some of my "kids" on a regular basis...) and we have a lot of fun.

The very first activity we did was for Halloween. Instead of decorating pumpkins like all the other groups, we decided we wanted to find a pumpkin patch. When no patches were to be found, we settled for sneaking into HeeHaw Farms and playing on their hay slide. When I realized that my group was willing to break the rules for me, or for the sake of free and fun, I realized we would get along great. We escaped without having to bail anyone out of HeeHaw jail, and thus began our fun semester.

Other activities have included making hand turkeys. Which I wish we had taken pictures of, because they were fantastic. Riding in the car without our seatbelts (we are rule-breakers, afterall) and playing get to know you games. The more I've gotten to know my family, the more I just like them! They are hilarious, and always game for just about anything Colin and I prepare. And I really appreciate that.

When it was suggested that the groups change to accommodate the changing semester, Colin and I equally had a fit. We were very clear about how much we love our family, and that we do NOT want to see it changed. I've really enjoyed working with Colin, he's been an excellent "dad" or co-chair, and has been so dedicated to this family and to his calling. It's made me want to be a better FHE leader, which is saying something - considering, I didn't take the calling all that seriously.

Hopefully, we will get to keep our family as is. But if not, I am thinking that this ward is so full of awesome people, that it might not matter. No, I take that back. I would be devastated if they changed out groups. But I think I would be able to get over the separation anxiety that changing groups would entail - just in time to be put back in enrichment.
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